Facilities at our Warden Hill practice

We are proud of our excellent facilities at our Warden Hill practice, which allow us to give the best possible care for your pet.

Cat ward

Our dedicated cat ward is separate from dogs to reduce stress and anxiety. All kennels face the same way to ensure cats can’t see each other. The room is kept topped up with friendly, calming feline pheromones and Classic FM is on in the background.

Dog ward and kennels

We have a spacious dog ward with kennels of varying sizes, including two large walk-in kennels. The room is kept topped up with friendly, dog-calming pheromones.

Exotics ward

Woodlands is the only veterinary practice in the area with a dedicated exotics ward. We have heated vivariums and quiet kennels away from site, smell and noise of our cat and dog patients. We keep a range of species-specific foods specifically for our exotic patients, but still ask you bring something your pet enjoys and is familiar with. Watch this space for more updates on our exotics ward and equipment!


Operating theatres

Two spacious dedicated operating theatres with multi-parameter monitoring equipment. Our theatres are for performing sterile procedures ranging from neutering to orthopaedics and soft tissue surgeries. We have endoscopy and ultrasound machines along with diathermy and suction to cater for a wide range of procedures.

Dental suite

A separate dental suite with electric scaler, drill and polisher. Our dental suite contains all the relevant instruments to perform nerve blocks, cleaning and extraction of teeth.

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday
8am – 7pm
9am – 12pm

Monday - Friday
8am – 6pm
Saturday & Sunday

Out of hours

call 01242 255133

you will be transferred to a dedicated veterinary emergency clinic

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Find out more

Our professional and friendly team is ready and on hand
to support you and your pets’ needs in our Cheltenham and Brockworth practices.